Thursday, August 7, 2008


Yes. The big inhibition is to write the first blog and the bigger one is to post it. To over come that, is to post one when you wanted to at the first go. You have a few options to look at. Oh. Yes.

Its either you put your thoughts in or to do a Ctrl + C and a Ctrl + V. You get to choose. I rather put my thought in and would ask a true feedback from a selected few. This gives you a chance to improve. Not a perfectionist. Who wants to be one. A time when you want to use jargons. No.. who asked for it. Jus go ahead. Are you thinking? Is there a format, would be the first thought? Nothing in this world has a format. Do you want to create one. Why create one, and later call it "Break the rules".

How long should this blog be? As long as you and I are intrested in reading it and writing it. Here you pose a question. Were you really intrested to write this one, or you follow the rat. Now we follow the mouse. Who does'nt fall a prey. Thats a bigger question.

"Who does'nt Fall a prey", read the quote again. Now think about it, it gives you immese food for thought. He who is born falls a prey in some form. So when you say that you are original, ask yourself the question, are your truely original. If you say No, then strive to be original. You can only continue to strive and not reach as you are not the origin.

Here you think what am really trying to convey. Oh my. Am still not clear of what i want to tell, as am not clear and sure of what i hear. So i deviate from start.